Dr.S.Sivaprasad. MD: DV&D.
Consultant Dermatologist & Cosmetic Dermatologist
Member European Academy of Dermatology & Venereology.
Dermatologic Surgery . Special training in Dermatologic Surgeries for Excision of Skin cancers and also Liposuction, Cryosurgery and Electric cautery.
Cosmetology. Special training in Cosmetic procedures like Chemical Pealing, Dermaberation.
Laser . Advanced training in Laser by BUPA Hospitals in CO2 laser and Erbium Yag Lasers for skin resurfacing for facial wrinkles. Laser Hair removal, Fractional lasers and Vascular and Pigmentary lasers
PUVA. Trained at Ludwing- Maxmilian University Germany in Oral PUVA and in Bath PUVA for Psoriasis, Vitiligo and other chronic Skin diseases responding to Phototherapy.
Scar Correction. Qualified from Jobst Ireland for treating burns and other types of Hypertrophic scars using Pressure Supports.
The Queen Island of the "God's own Country"